Hey guys!
A lot of you ask me how you can spot a liar. Most of the inquisitors are women (go figure) So here you go. Below I've posted some tips on how to spot a dishonest bastard. These aren't 100% definitive, so don't divorce your lying cheat of a spouse over my post. But I wouldn't post something that wasn't true. By the way, I'm an alien.
You can't really use these on people you don't know. The reason being, you have to compare their normal body language to the body language when you think they're lying. You need to have a "control". (the science geeks get it)
You can use these for business or love...but don't say I didn't warn you.
Good luck grasshopper.
Words vs. Actions
• If you sense the timing of a persons reaction is off, you're probably right. This usually indicates they're fibbing...or using narcotics. Things like "I love this tie with a picture of a fish on it" (3 second pause) ::smile::
I hope you saved the receipt.
• Shaking your head no while saying "yes" is a non-verbal cue someone is lying, and vice versa.
• If their smile doesn't reach their eyes it might be a fake smile. You should see the "crows feet" at the corner of their eyes. Smiling with just the mouth in ingenuine.
The Body Motions
• A liar will have less movement. Almost as if they're fearful. They'll close up.
• They'll avoid making eye contact.
• A liar will often touch their face i.e eyes, ears, or mouth. It stems from the "See no evil, Hear no evil" idea. As kids we cover our ears if we hear something we don't like, we cover our eyes for something we don't like to see, or cover our mouths if we say something "naughty". So these touches are subtle toned-down versions of our childhood behavior. (I'm feeling intelligent as I post this) On the flip side, if a person gestures with an open hand, they're showing vulnerability and are probably being honest.
Watch How They Say What They Say•
• If they reapeat your question before answering they're a gutter-rat.
• A statement with a contraction or a shortened version of a statement is probably true: “ I didn't have sex with that woman” as opposed to “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”
• Liars sometimes avoid saying things that imply an answer instead of just answering the question.
• Watch out for the person who answers a simple question with an hour-long narrative. If they talk to much they're just probably trying to avoid the guilt they'll feel during that moment of uncomfortable silence
• It's a bad sign if they get defensive. if they go after you they might be telling the truth. However, some people get offensive if they're lying...especially roided-out football players.
• If your subject can't look you in the eye tell them that they should go to hell.
• A liar sometimes distances themselves from their interrogator. So they might walk to the other side of the table or open a refrigerator door.
• Stalling is another sign. If you ask them a question and they take a bite out of Twix....there using it for time to think up a lie.
The Whole Body
Look out for jerky motions. If they're acting like Michael J. Fox and shifting around....they're probably uncomfortable. I wonder why. Hmmmmm.
Watch their hands. Liars tend to put their hands in their pockets subconciously. It's their way of hiding.
Become A Sneaky Prick
• Get sneaky and change subject quickly, a liar will be happy and relieved while a truthful person will be pissed off and will want to revert back to defend themselves.
There are other interesting methods including watching their eyes to figure out if they're recalling a thought or constructing one...but I'm tired of typing. So I might just release that in a future post. So subscribe to my blog and check back for more fun.
Hope this helps you in life, relationships, and business.
I'll see you on the flipside.
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